First, we need to define what exactly an emotional affair is. It usually contains no physical intimacy, but does include a strong emotional intimacy. They can begin innocently, but then usually progresses into more secretive communication. This can include texting, messaging, or even meeting in person. I have created a list of nine key signs that Reviews show an emotion affair occurring. Keep in mind that while reading you yourself might discover your own dangerous "friendship" in the making.
1. Intimacy
avoidance: When developing an emotional affair most will begin to forgo
intimacy with their partner. This can include avoidance to conflict and a
strong fear of closeness to your partner. This will cause a new desire for
connection with another person whether it's an acquaintance, or an already
stable friend.
2. Approval
seeking: By avoiding issues in a relationship and settling for a false intimacy
causes a need for approval MeetMe
from others. So what happens when you find someone who hangs onto your every
word? Who's put you on a pedestal higher than the clouds? You aren't sleeping
with them, so it's not a real affair right? By allowing yourself to believe
that this new person accepts who you truly are, you might begin to blame your
real partner for not providing that same validation.
3. Pimp
tenderness: You might be wondering what "pimp tenderness" means;
think of it as someone who shows intense emotional affection towards another
person. When it comes to an emotional affair, this usually entails an almost
"unmatched" concern for their life. You might feel the need to defend
them around your partner if they're brought up negatively; your other friends
might see your new friendship as a little too close or even odd. If your real
partner does something you find irritating you might compare them with this new
friend. Like a pimp, you have raised your affair partner onto a pedestal where
they provide you with the emotional intimacy you feel your real relationship
lacks. The moment you feel that others are getting in the way of your time with
this "friend" you'll know you've official started an emotional
Relational lethargy: In every relationship, couples will have their own ups and
downs. Some last longer than others, and sometimes it will feel like you're
putting in far more than you're getting out. Relational lethargy can cause you
to justify your actions by believing that your
partner doesn't truly care or doesn't want to be around you. You'll tell
yourself that it's "so easy" around your "friend" and how
effortlessly it feels to be around them
Objectification: During this time you'll begin to only see the negative aspects
of your partner in order to push away the denial and guilt from the affair.
When your mate raises concerns about this "friend" you'll brush it
off as them being jealous or petty. You'll even start to objectify your affair
partner in order to sustain the affair. Most of the affair has revolved around
you seeing them as almost god-like. They are the most intelligent, talented, or
even the most beautiful person in the whole world. They have consumed your own
world. And by enhancing their qualities and traits, it will only justify your
decision to continue the affair.
Minimization: When someone has an affair, whether it's emotional or physical,
you'll begin to minimize the impact of your overall actions. How can it truly
hurt anyone if you're only spending time together talking? During this time you
won't consider how it could affect your other friendships, your children, and
most of all: your actual relationship with your partner.
Self-deception: By convincing yourself that you're just as wonderful as your
affair partner, then you'll have obtained the maximum benefit from your new
found relationship. You'll ask "why hadn't I found them earlier"? Or
"why couldn't my real partner see me as they do"? The self-deception
will cause you to suspend reality and see yourself on the pedestal from your
affair partner's eyes.
8. Be an
emotional confidant: The whole point of why an emotional affair starts is to
find the emotional intimacy lacking in your actual relationship. Many will also
try to be the primary source of support for their affair partner aw well. By
them looking to you as their main confidant will increase your own importance
in their life.
9. Develop
common interests: By finding common interests together such as hiking,
painting, or working out, you'll begin to find new reasons to spend more time
together. It can increase feelings of exclusivity and will feed into the denial
that you two are only "friends."
this list isn't set in stone, but its a good indicator to understanding if an
emotional affair is developing or is already established. No matter where your
relationship currently is, whether you are on the path to fulfillment or on the
road to recovery after an affair, it's a journey that is not designed to be
done alone.
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